Fri Aug 16, 2002 8:50 pm
Plug color        

Hey, that's WIERD. My plugs are *exactly* the same. Seriously!

I figured the rust colour was due to microscopically-sized rust particles bleeding off my tank, through the petcock filter, fuel filter, and jets, and being blasted up and melted onto the plug.

How the heck is YOURS getting there? Your tank shouldn't be rusty.

I've been thinking about doing a carb sync, but I was hoping I could get away without it for the winter. That said, a strong idle would be very helpful when the cold snap hits in a couple of months.. Hmm... Vinyl tubing and motor oil, huh? What can you break? :)

FWIW, I had my valves done at 6200 miles, 7 tight, one *just barely* within spec (tight side). I guess I flog my bike more than you do. Smile They were checked at 500, and were all within spec.


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