cyclopathic (Veteran) View all posts in this topic  
Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:36 pm
Re: Long Mileage Test        

zed_zr wrote:
I just did my valves, and at 6500 km (4000 mi), the intakes were a snug 0.003 before adjustment. Yours were snug at 9000 miles, and at 31000 were still OK. I wonder, is it possible that they come from the factory a bit tight?
Most of valve sitting happens in first few thousand mi, I don't think extra 5,000mi would make such difference, I was just lazy about it.

I believe Kwak improved valves/seats and on other models the recommended interval is 2-3 times higher. Possibly they just didn't updated manuals to create no confusion, or perhaps it is written to cover the possibility of sinking valve seat; if you don't have one, it isn't problem? Either way it usually exhausts which need more attention, so if you ride alot and don't check it regularly it is a good practice to set them higher

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