MIK (Motorrader) View all posts in this topic  
Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:45 pm
Classifieds Forum Rules -- Read Before Posting!        

This forum is strictly for buy & sell requests. Topics that are not posted to for 60 days are automatically deleted.

Posts are not limited to Ninja250 specific stuff, but you might have better luck selling other things elsewhere. And please note, NO COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS ARE ALLOWED... unless you are the copyright owner, of course. No "bumping" of topics. Bumps will be removed, and if it's done often enough, the whole post will be removed.

Business ads are NOT allowed.

If you are a dealer or a vendor and would like to promote your products you have to purchase a subscription over here -> http://faq.ninja250.org/wiki/Support_Subscriptions

When posting, please include the following in your post:
1. Buy/Sell identifier, such as: WTB (want to buy), FS (for sale)
2. Location, such as: Columbus, OH
3. Brief item description, such as: Muzzy exhaust, Tank bag, 1992 Ninja 250 gas tank, etc
4. Price

We prefer if you use a character break of some type between each of these.

Some examples:
Topic Title: WTB | Denver, CO | Clutch lever for 2001 Ninja 250 | $5-$15
Topic Title: FS | San Diego, CA | Owner's manual for 2002 Ninja 250 | $5
Topic Title: FS | Toronto, ON | 1993 Ninja 250 gas tank | $130/obo

Try to put as much information about your request in the body as possible, including the specific request details, and your contact information.

Some examples:
I am looking for a replacement clutch lever for my 2001 Ninja 250. I dropped my bike and the original broke. I don't care about how it looks, as long as it is functional. I am willing to pay shipping charges, so where you are located doesn't matter. Please contact me via email at: wheresmynewclutch32@hotmail.com

We take no responsibility for any transactions that occur here. Use common sense. If offer is too good to be true, it most likely is. All scammers are killed on the spot. All spammers are spanked, and then killed if caught again.

Have a lot of happy trades.

N250RC Administration.

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