Bokonon (car guy once again) View all posts in this topic  
Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:57 pm
The electrical isn't your problem.        

It looks like that light comes with the 'bucket' and the light unit. Usually they come with only the bucket, and you have to buy the light part separately. See the streetfighter article.

That one appears to be have an included H4 light, which will hook right up to the Ninja's wiring, as it takes the same kind of bulb. Most aftermarket lights take the same bulb, since it's so common.

The problem is in getting it to fit in the stock parts. That's a fabrication issue, and you're going to have to asses your skills and take things apart and see if you can figure out how to mount it there. Most people take the stock gauges off, since they stick out so far and look ugly, or leave the light and gauges on and let it be ugly. I've never seen anyone use an aftermarket light with the stock gauges. That doesn't mean it can't be done. You'll just have to figure out a way to make some brackets to hold the light on. And the turn signals. which traditionally are mounted to the headlight bracket on fighters.

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