Ian (Now wth ball and chain) View all posts in this topic  
Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:12 pm
HF Trailer, long term usage        

I don't know if I can agree with you on this one.

I've had my HF trailer since '07, built it in my sister's backyard, and immediately towed my Hawk GT from NYC to Denver with it.
Since then it's towed countless motorcycles numerous times (including several Denver to NYC to Denver runs), carried furniture and boxes from apartments to houses numerous times, and has been rear ended by pickup trucks several times.

It's held up to all this use and abuse, and yet still continues to be the best couple hundred bucks I've spent, with the exception of all the motorcycle apparel I've bought over the years, that have kept my skin safe, and my noggin intact.

I've used the U-Haul trailers over the years, and they typically aren't as convenient as having that HF trailer ready and waiting to go.
If you don't have a trailer, they are fantastic for one time use. If you're planning on towing the bike around a lot, you're better off investing in something.

But yes, a higher quality trailer, as you say, would be even better than the HF trailer.
Too bad there weren't any available in NYC in March of 2007 when I was in the market, however. Smile


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