taygold (Rookie) View all posts in this topic  
Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:46 am
Check out my street tracker ninja!        

Here is a link to my build thread: http://metricmoto1.wordpress.com/category/ninjette-street-tracker/

I'm starting to wire an 05 ninja and I have a quick question about the cooling fan/ radiator. I've wired many bikes but only 2 water cooled and they were all very unique (CX500 and GL1000).

There is a sensor on the left side of the radiator with a 2 wire lead. Am I right to assume this is a temp sensor for the fan? Above the head there is another sensor with a one wire lead, which I am guessing is for the temp gauge (or I should say, "was" for it).

Do these bikes have a thermostat? And if so, are they electric or mechanical? I was just going to run the fan through a manual switch, so the two sensors I mention above would be left disconnected. But if either of them actuate a thermostat then I need to wire them in.

If anyone has any input I'd love to hear it!

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